About Us
Motorsport Ireland is the National Governing Body for four-wheeled motorsport in Ireland. We are affiliated to the supreme authority for world motorsport, which is the "Federation Internationale de l'Automobile" (FIA) based in Geneva and Paris. The FIA recognises in each of its affiliated countries, one sole authority that holds the sporting power, and in Ireland, it recognises Motorsport Ireland as that authority.
Motorsport Ireland's jurisdiction covers the 26 counties and has currently has 32 affiliated motor clubs under its umbrella. In each year, these clubs organise approximately 160 sporting events in total, which are listed in the official Motorsport Ireland calendar and cover 12 different branches of the sport. Every person wishing to compete in one of these motorsport events must be the holder of a Competition Licence issued by Motorsport Ireland or by another national governing body affiliated to the FIA.
On average, each year Motorsport Ireland issues approximately 3,500 Competition Licences.
Motorsport Ireland depends on the support of a diverse community of dedicated volunteers. Our staff members are dedicated to supporting our competitors, clubs, officials, and volunteers.

From the local club competition to the world stage, promoting an inclusive and enjoyable environment for lifelong participation and volunteering in motorsport.

A club-based organisation, with a range of events from grass-roots to international level, providing fair, attainable, exciting and fulfilling opportunities for all.

Respect is how a person feels treated. No one person is better than another. We build respect when we show respect. It is important that we respect the rules of the sport, and not take that personally.
We value our volunteers and without them there would be no motorsport. Officials, clubs, competitors and staff working together will build our sport. This is teamwork.
Transparency, fairness and equality all matter in our sport and we aim to operate with integrity at all times to display them.
At its core, this is sport and the essence of sport is to have fun. We want everyone involved in the sport, whatever their role or level, to have fun.