A Parent’s Guide To Motorsport

So your child wants to get involved in motorsport? Here’s a guide to get you started.

And if you’re ever in doubt, please contact the office and we will be happy to discuss how best to assist you and your child on your motorsport journey.

Motorsport Ireland Child Safeguarding

Motorsport Ireland is proud of our child safeguarding policies which go above and beyond the minimum standards outlined by Sport Ireland directives. We pride ourselves in being an inclusive and welcoming space for children whether they look to compete, volunteer, or just spectate as a fan! Please take a look at our safeguarding documents for a full breakdown of our policies.

Licences for Parents / Guardians

Competitors aged under 18 years old require a parent or legal guardian to hold an entrant licence in order for them to be allowed compete. One licence for you, one licence for your child.

In the event of a parent / legal guardian being unable to attend an event, a nominated Garda-vetted third party can act on their behalf. Simply apply for the National Minor Entrant with Garda-vetting (three-year validity) and have the under 18 year old competitor bring along a Minor Entrant Nomination Form and you’re all good to go!

National Minor
Entrant Licence

This is the standard licence which a parent / legal guardian would apply for if acting on behalf of their child. This is a very simple form which collects the minimal amount of information, purely so that a competitor aged under 18 years old can enter events under supervision.

National Minor Entrant Licence For Nominated Third-Parties

We understand that parents / legal guardians are sometimes unavailable to attend events with their child. But we still must follow our child-safety guidelines. As such, we offer a Garda-vetted version of the licence for third-parties to enter competitors who are not their own children.

International Competitor Entrant Licence

This is an upgraded version of the National Minor Entrant licence which is used for parents of competitors who wish to compete outside of the National Ireland / UK area. This is only required to cover competitors aged under 18 years old who also hold an International grade of licence.

Types of Motorsport

Click on the sections below for more information on required licences, equipment, and training that may be needed for each discipline.

Don’t want to compete, but still want to get involved?

Joining your local motor club is a great way of joining the sport with likeminded others!

Prefer spectating, organising and helping?
Check out our Junior Programme!