Rules and Regulations

Motorsport Ireland upholds the FIA international standard and Sport Ireland national standard for all rules and regulations. For general competition rules and sporting regulations, you can view the 2025 edition of the Motorsport Ireland Yearbook by clicking below.

Individual Appendices

This is our full yearbook broken down into individual appendices to assist with accessibility to just the specific area you need. For the full yearbook, please see the top of this page.

These files contain their 2025 versions.

Mid-Year Amendments

The Motorsport Ireland may receive amendments mid-year due to new rules being passed. These rules appear here and take precedence over the written version of the book.

Please note: All information posted here will include an “Effective Date” which may not be immediate.

Anti-Doping Regulations

Motorsport Ireland believes that Competitors and Officials have the right to compete in a fair, equal, and safe environment.

We operate an anti-doping and anti-alcohol programme in conjunction with Sport Ireland, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and the FIA. 

By using any substance that can alter judgement and reactions, a person may indeed put his / her life, and the lives of others in danger. Testing, and when necessary sanctioning, do, nevertheless, remain key elements of our anti-doping and anti-alcohol policies. 

Alcohol Testing

Alcohol testing has been introduced for competitors and officials at any MI event.

It will be a random test on the day of the event. The standards and penalties for alcohol testing are laid out in the table attached.

Previous Editions

Sometimes people wish to reference an older version of our regulations, whether to cite when a rule came into being, or just for reference to an older competition. Regardless, our archive of digital versions dates back to 2016 here. For referencing even older versions of the yearbook, please contact the office as we have a deeper archive of physical copies of older editions.