Irish Motorsport
Benevolent Fund

The Irish Motorsport Benevolent Fund is a Registered Charity whose primary purpose is to provide relief from hardship for MI or Motorsport UK licensed competitors, who are injured in the course of Motorsport Ireland permitted events. Its remit has been widened to include provision of support to Motorsport Ireland licensed competitors competing in other FIA events.

Its remit now also includes the provision of assistance to current and past Motorsport Ireland licensed holders (competitors and officials) or their families, who may have encountered hardship resulting from a serious illness. The fund can assist those involved in all disciplines under the remit of Motorsport Ireland.

Motorsport in general has a moral and ethical responsibility to its colleagues in their times of difficulty. The Trustees of the Irish Benevolent Fund will assist in providing pastoral support as well as financial assistance where possible. The care of our injured colleagues is of primary importance. The provision of financial assistance by the Fund will not impact in any way on the various insurance policies or insurance cover which have been put in place by Motorsport Ireland.

Please find on this page a list of the Trustees and their contacts. They provide a good geographical spread of points of contact and can be contacted confidentially for any enquiry.

The Fund relies on support from clubs, organisations and individuals who donate or arrange fund raising. The Trustees are indebted to those who contribute and I attach bank account details to enable donations at any time. All donations will be acknowledged and the trustees are happy to attend events or fundraisers to assist in raising awareness. The Trustees contribute their time and efforts on a purely voluntary basis.

If anyone becomes aware of someone who may come within the remit of the Fund, please contact any of the trustees in confidence and we will take it from there.

Kind regards,

Willie Walsh
Chairman, Irish Motorsport Benevolent Fund.

Fund Trustees

Willie Walsh (Chairman)
086 251 2612

Bobby Clinton (Secretary)
086 417 6491

Barry Tobin (Treasurer)
086 241 3900

Ed Colton (Trustee)
086 256 7199

Ivan Fuery (Trustee)
086 241 4090

Donate directly online

Bank Account Details

Any monies deposited to this account go directly to the Irish Motor Sport Benevolent Fund.

This is independently managed of Motorsport Ireland, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we are happy to advise on any issue.

Irish Motor Sport Benevolent Fund

Bank of Ireland

Current Account

2933 6878

Sort Code:

IE81 BOFI 9000 8429 3368 78