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Full Motorsport Ireland Affiliated Clubs List
As the recognised governing body for four-wheel motorsport in Ireland by the FIA and Sport Ireland, Motorsport Ireland entrusts its clubs to run events.
There are currently 32 affiliated motor clubs across the Republic of Ireland currently whose principal object is the organisation of competitions under the rules of Motorsport Ireland, and which, for that purpose shall have entered into an affiliation agreement with Motorsport Ireland which is subject to annual renewal.
There are many benefits to becoming a Motorsport Ireland affiliated club, including:
Official Recognition from the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile), the world governing body of motor sport.
Access to potential grant funding from FIA initiatives
World recognised event safety standards and procedures.
Your club members can apply for a Motorsport Ireland Competition Licence at a significantly reduced rate.
Your club will receive support from Motorsport Ireland full time staff (Dedicated Club Safety Officer, Marketing & Finance support, Club Development, Event Management, access to Volunteer & Officials etc.)
You have an opportunity to input into decision-making through Clubs and Commissions (CAC) Meetings which are held throughout the calendar year.
How To Affiliate A Motor Club
To become affiliated, a club must apply to Motorsport Ireland and enter into an agreement to comply with our regulations and to pay fees from time to time, as required.
These fees may include:
An initiation fee paid once only in the first year of affiliation, on first becoming an affiliated club.
An annual fee payable on the first of January of each following year.
Any club applying to MI for affiliation must be a company incorporated with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) as a limited liability company, limited by guarantee and must remain so and be trading in good standing, throughout the period of its affiliation.
A prospective club will be expected to make a written application to MI requesting affiliation and providing the following:
Name and contact details for the Chairman and/or President, Secretary and Treasurer
Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
Copy of the Constitution (the constitution of the club applying for Motorsport Ireland affiliation must make certain provision which are outlined here)
Confirmation of the number of members (it is desirable that a club have 50 paid up members at the time of application)
Discipline(s) in which they are interested
The geographical location of the applicant club
Confirmation in the prescribed manner that the applicant club has obtained the consent of 75% of all existing affiliated clubs (where 75% results in a fractional number, this fraction shall be ignored). This consent shall be expressed on a specific form supplied by MI, signed by the Chairman or President and Secretary of the affiliated club, and ratified by a meeting of the directors of the club as appropriate
Other special considerations including why the needs of the members cannot be served by any existing affiliated club.
Clubs aspiring to affiliation must, normally, be an approved organisation for a period of two years before making an application for affiliation.
The application will be considered by the Motorsport Council (MSC) at their next meeting (provided all documentation and explanations have been provided). The application will either be refused (with reasons given) or permission to continue with the affiliation process given. If the permission to continue is given, the affiliation will become effective from the 1st January in the next calendar year, subject to the submission of the completed Affiliation Agreement by the 15th December in the previous year. If the application is refused, the club may apply again in the future when they have rectified the issue(s) which caused the refusal.