

A kart race takes place on a closed circuit. Most karting events will have multiple classes to enable a wide range of ages and skill levels to take part. Competitors race each other directly on track using open-wheel karts. Circuits tend to skew smaller than full-size race tracks to accommodate the smaller vehicles. Karting acts as the most common entry to motorsport with competitors aged as young as six years old.

How to get a Kart Licence


Unlike circuit racing, you are not required to attend any training days before applying for a kart licence. As long as you meet the age criteria (minimum 6-years-old), then you can apply.

Medical Requirements

When applying for a karting licence, you must meet the medical requirements in order to be approved. For the first year you apply, you will have to supply a doctor’s certificate. This is a form completed by your GP or regional doctor. We can keep this form on file for you for future licence applications, but a number of things may trigger the requirement to submit a new form. This includes injury, age limits (50+ years old), international competition and privacy regulations. If you are ever in doubt about whether you need to submit a new doctor’s certificate, please phone or email our office and we will be happy to assist.

Which grade?

There are two main types of licence for use in National events in the Ireland and the UK. These licences are Kart National A (14+ years old) and Kart Junior (6-16 years old). Of course, if you have an International grade of licence, this will act as a National licence for domestic events.

Which International grade?

The age restrictions on International grade kart licences can be confusing. There are times when a competitor may be eligible for multiple. We recommend checking with the organisers of your event prior to entry to make sure your licence is valid. We can adjust your licence as required between different International grades.

Licence Grades

International ITE (14+)
International ITF (13-15)
International ITG (11-14)
National A

Licences for Parents / Guardians

Competitors aged under 18 years old require a parent or legal guardian to hold an entrant licence in order for them to be allowed compete.

One licence for you and one licence for your child.

In the event of a parent / legal guardian being unable to attend an event, a nominated Garda-vetted third party can act on their behalf. Simply apply for the National Minor Entrant with Garda-vetting (three-year validity) and have the under 18 year old competitor bring along a Minor Entrant Nomination Form and you’re all good to go!

National Minor
Entrant Licence

This is the standard licence which a parent / legal guardian would apply for if acting on behalf of their child. This is a very simple form which collects the minimal amount of information, purely so that a competitor aged under 18 years old can enter events under supervision.

National Minor Entrant Licence For Nominated Third-Parties

We understand that parents / legal guardians are sometimes unavailable to attend events with their child. But we still must follow our child-safety guidelines. As such, we offer a Garda-vetted version of the licence for third-parties to enter competitors who are not their own children.

International Competitor Entrant Licence

This is an upgraded version of the National Minor Entrant licence which is used for parents of competitors who wish to compete outside of the National Ireland / UK area. This is only required to cover competitors aged under 18 years old who also hold an International grade of licence.


Throughout a weekend of a karting event, you will see many different classes take to the track. There is something for everyone, but trying to figure out which one is right for you or your child can be difficult. We recommend looking through Appendix 70 of the Motorsport Ireland Yearbook for technical information about the different classes, and then attending a kart event or contacting your motor club to speak to people on the ground before beginning your journey.


Classes are separated by age and weight. However, MI understands that some children grow at different rates to others. In order to combat some children carrying an excessive amount of ballast or feeling like they are at a competitive disadvantage, we have introduced a dispensation process which allows a competitor to apply to the Kart Commission for specific permission to compete in a class they feel is more appropriate for them. A parent/legal guardian should complete the K1 Dispensation Form and submit it to the email on the form. The Kart Commission will then rule as to whether a waiver may be granted for a child to compete in their desired class.


Locations, organising clubs, more information, to be announced soon